Data Link Recorder capability has become a requirement for aircraft utilizing datalink communications, for which the individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued after January 1st, 2016.
The DLR functionality can be embedded either in the CVR, the FDR or a CVFDR combi recorder. The DLR records all data link messages within those units. It has made a remarked entry as part of compliance readouts with ICAO Annex 6, as well as IOSA requirements.
OSPaero DLR readout is conducted in conjunction with the CVR readout or individually depending on the operator’s requirements. Depending on the above scenario (standalone DLR readout or CVR/DLR combined readout), our deliverables include:
- a correlation of identified audio inputs with related datalink messages
- a DLR readout report containing a number of selected messages from the last recorded flight as reference for the operator’s readout historical records, therefore testifying of the LR functionality working properly.
- a Certificate of Conformance testifying of the DLR functionality working properly, as required for Certificate of Airworthiness renewal and IOSA audit